The Sun is locked in the sky, burning the Earth below with an endless daylight. Beneath the sands of the scorched Earth, three hourglasses hide the secret to restoring the Sun's natural motion. A wandering mechanic and their drone venture into the bowels of a lost freighter to find these hourglasses. Control the flow of sand and steam to unlock passage forward — and escape before the rising sand consumes you.

Sandlocked can be played with one or two players. With two players, one controls the wrench-wielding mechanic and another controls their sand-slinging drone. With one player, you control both.

Mechanic Controls:

  • A/D: Move Left/Right
  • W: Jump
  • E: Swing Wrench

Drone Controls: 

  • Mouse Cursor: Fly
  • Left Click: Vacuum Sand
  • Right Click: Deploy Sand

*Fullscreen Highly Recommended


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The idea was really cool. I loved the two characters idea. Idk if the game was just made laggy, or if it was me. But it was kind of annoying. The art was cool, music was cool.



nice idea with a helicopter cleaner :D